Monday, October 5, 2009

Do You Catalog Weird Stuff?

Today I received an email from Jeremy Goldstein of the Berkshire Athenaeum, which is the public library in Pittsfield. The email contained a link to a slideshare presentation by Nanette Donohue of the Champaigne Public Library called Cataloging the Weird Stuff. I'm adding the link to the CMRLS Technical Services pages under Games and Tutorials.

While the presentation requires some basic knowledge of MARC format, I found it very helpful. I can easily see it's usefullness for a cataloger who is experienced, but not with the more recent and unusual media - sometimes called "funny formats."

You can view the tutorial here.

To see links for all of the tutorials and games I've amassed, go here.

Have you discovered a site useful for catalogers and other technical services types? Please let me know ( so that I can add it to the list.

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